On Fri, 14 Oct 2005 07:19:49 -0400, Matt Rowley wrote:

>> >what i can't really understand is, why bother making a tool like
>> >this, if you are afraid that it is going to be used, or that someone
>> >will ssh scan you from taiwan?  so let's just block all the non us
>> >countries or what?
>> I'm not afraid that it's going to be used.  I _want_ it to be used,
>> I never suggested otherwise.  I'm not blocking "non-US" countries, I'm
>> blocking "shitholes".  The more people blackhole shitholes, the better
>> off the world is in the long run, this provides shitholes with an
>> incentive to no longer be shitholes.  ("What do you mean, I can't
>through the magick of PF's ordered filtering, you could allow all inbound 
>on port 80, and THEN block your desired ranges.
Matt, I really don't know why you bother. He is rabid and beyond logic,
poor baby.

I block smtp access using spamd from .kr and .cn and spews1 and I don't
get more than 1 or 2 spams a month except from lists that I am
subscribed to. I can <del> one or two a day without getting
hypertensive but I don't think the little Tourettes baby can make that
kind of connection with reality.

I use the "don't let in Linux to ssh" pf capability on one machine and
the connection rate facility on the newer ones. He would rather rave
than use whatever is left of his brain to do something like that.

Probably hormonal ego tripping or a giant inferiority complex

Leave him be.


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