* Daniel Ouellet <dan...@presscom.net> [2011-02-18 11:15]:
> Alias are enter with /32.

huh? hell no.

> Your network card is configure with the IP and you want
> to have on the same network card the IP and
> working right?
> Then enter it with the /32 netmark. Not relevant what subnet it is
> in really. Make sure your router, or what ever in front of that box
> point these IP's to your box here.


> At the price of making a fool of myself, witch wouldn't be the first
> time and most likely not the last either! If they need to be, that's
> news to me and I have been wrong for many years then. Sure possible,
> but as I said. I never did and I may have been wrong for many
> years...

well, you have been wrong all the time then.

one IP per subnet with the real mask so there is a route, all others
with all-ones netmask.

Henning Brauer, h...@bsws.de, henn...@openbsd.org
BS Web Services, http://bsws.de
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