Hi all,

Firstly, a past post has indicated that there is no benefit of relayd over pf
for external mappings to single machines on the lan. I would have thought a
relayed connection to an internal machine would have some security benefit
over a pf redirected connection. Is this the case ?

Secondly I am trying to use relayd to reverse proxy to multiple rails web
sites running on different ports on the local gateway. domain =1 will be on
port 3000 domain2 on 3001 etc. I am using multiple domain configurations like
these below changing the domain name and the appropriate port number in the
relay statement. All requests seem to be being directed to the final relay
statement and generating an incomplete request error in the debug log. A past
forum post has indicated that this capability is not available however this
structure seems made for it. Is it possible ? This server is currently running
4.5 but I can see nothing in the changelog to indicate any change with this.

With thanks for any assistance or info.

 http protocol domain1 {
        header append "$REMOTE_ADDR" to "X-Forwarded-For"
        header append "$SERVER_ADDR:$SERVER_PORT" to "X-Forwarded-By"
#       header change "Connection" to "close"
        header expect "www.domain1.com" from "Host"

        # Various TCP performance options
        tcp { nodelay, sack, socket buffer 65536, backlog 128 }

relay domain1 {
        # Run as a SSL accelerator
        listen on $ext_addr port 80
        protocol domain1
        forward to port 3000

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