On Wed, 23 Feb 2011 11:04:58 +0100
Tomas Vavrys wrote:

> Hi,
> what does OpenBSD community think about new trends in web development
> HTML5, javascript (jquery), AJAX? Do you block javascript? If so, do
> you mind to turn it on sometimes? What browser do you use (lynx,
> firefox, chromium, ...)?
I like html5 just because it allows videos that can be viewed
universally and hopefully one day to demote flash to easy to do basic
animation as was originally intended before the apple vs microsoft
format and patent wars and regain the oodles of power wasted by flash,
especially on Linux. Hopefully a video format that is as free as we can
get will stop this kind of video war with dire consequences in terms of
owned boxes via flash ads etc., happening again. I am concerned about
the data storage and other functions of html5 and privacy, though.

Javascript does annoy me a great deal especially when they say it's
required to click a link or download a pdf. I was shown a link the
other day saying install flash 8?!?! or greater to download this pdf
about a product. Have they not heard of w3c and audience maximisation.

Generally I leave javascript off, it even annoys me on google searches
 but I occasionally turn it on when it's not required to get
 functionality on sites I trust. I use noscript in firefox but also
 have a disable button. Chromium availability has just come back, I
 think on OpenBSD. I may use chromium and/or xxxterm at times or in
 the future.

Almost forgot all the exploits in browsers, related to javascript.

> I am learning Django at the moment and I would like to know more about
> the nature of common OpenBSD user and how could I contribute to
> project with my webdev skills.

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