Le Sat, 26 Feb 2011 00:23:36 +0900,
Ryan McBride <mcbr...@openbsd.org> a icrit :

> > > > How about a _full_ dmesg, so someone can take a wild guess at
> > > > what your machine is capable of?
> > 
> > full dmesg : http://user.lamaiziere.net/patrick/dmesg-open48.txt
> > 
> > The box is a Dell R610 server.
> This box should be able to fill a gigabit of regular TCP traffic (1500
> MTU) without any problem. Double-check your testing procedures.

I will test this.
> I have some additional comments/questions though:
> 1) you probably don't want to run bsd.mp on a firewall, it'll hurt you
> more than it helps, unless you have significant CPU-bound userland
> stuff going on, for example antivirus scanning of email.

I've tried with a sp kernel (amd64), does not look to change something.
> 2) You may get better performance running i386.

I will try, but I do not expect a lot of difference on the IErr rate.
> 3) Besides the the em driver changes you've mentioned, is the source
> code you're building the kernel clean OPENBSD_4_8 -stable, or
> something else (4.8-current from after the 4.8 release, for example)

It's a clean release 4.8/amd64, with 4.8 erratas applied.

Thanks, regards.

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