Hi all,

Ive been strugeling with setting up a CA on my OpenBSD Box. Ive been trying
to figur out where I've been going wrong over the past 3 or 4 days, and Im
at a loss now.

Im currently running 4.8, and I've been using this rather helpful guide:

I've been able to do everyhting in the various guides that are listed on
that site, save setting up the CA correctly.

I follow the instructions as presented, but I still cant get the dam thing
to work.

I am very happy with the process of generating the certificates, however, Im
not sure how to actually install the dam certs after they have been created
so that I can enable SSL in Apache, Dovecot, OpenLDAP and Postfix.

The only service I have tried to get working so far has been Apache, but
every time I start httpd with "-DSSL" it tells me that the cert files that I
am linking to are either not present, or empty.

I would love it if someone could possibley clarify the steps needed to
install the cert and key files after the have been generated.

I am of course happy to provide more information to those willing to help,
just let me know what info you need :)


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