On 3/3/11 3:28 PM, Mark Kettenis wrote:
> Daniel,
> Can you try this diff?  It won't get rid of the watchdog timeout, but
> hopefully it will prevent the DMA error.

Hi Mark,

Here is the results for this.

Sorry it took me so long to get to test it.

It does make a difference and I will test more today, but so far here is what I have after 30+ minutes of testing different things.

No crash yet. (But I will let it run for a few hours to be sure)

The connections behave differently now.

I get pretty much a symetric traffic of ~43.5Mbps each direction using tcpbench as before.

Then after may be one minute, both side will cut off oppose to before when only one side was doing that. It will then stay off for a few seconds and come back up on both side at the same time, just like ti went down at the same time and EACH time this happen I will get a watchdog timeout.

I will get it on either network port like this:

# dc0: watchdog timeout
dc0: watchdog timeout
dc1: watchdog timeout
dc0: watchdog timeout
dc0: watchdog timeout
dc0: watchdog timeout
dc0: watchdog timeout
dc0: watchdog timeout
dc0: watchdog timeout
dc1: watchdog timeout
dc0: watchdog timeout

More frequently on dc0 then dc1. Why I do not know. May be just what I start first, may be, but anyway, that's the results so far.

Each time it comes back up it will go back to the ~42.5Mbps, be stable for a while, then goes down on both side at once, etc, but each time the watchdog will show up when you loose the traffic going through the router.

But still no crash yet.

One thing that I would love to understand in tcpbench however to make this better.

I thought that one could actually preset the size of the packets sent?

I see the -B and -S option, but I keep reading the man page and I just don't get it.

I thought may be the -S was the size of the packet, but then if I set it above 1500, it shouldn't work then as the MTU is 1500, but it does work.

I would love to get more details on that and to know how to set the size of the packets if possible as I do not get the meaning of the man page for the -B -S options as is and their real impact on the stream itself if any.

I will send you more feedback today at some point after I get some much needed sleep.

Look to me based on what I see that if the watchdog timeout wasn't there, most likely there wouldn't be cut in the stream going across the router as this is way to consistent in between the cut and the console output.

Best and thanks again for your work on this. I very much appreciate it big time!


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