On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 09:40:08AM -0600, Amit Kulkarni wrote:

> Sorry for that Otto,
> If its not documented somewhere then unfortunately old things tends to
> stick. And also, the project takes a conservative view on BIOS (8G
> barrier), so I thought OpenBSD has this limitation.
> Undeadly is a good place to learn what limitations have been removed.
> I was just reading your undeadly post from 2008 about what changed in
> FFS2. I hope you guys can manage to do a update on what's changed in
> the last year every year. Just like in the papers section of the
> website, there's a recent update, that becomes very helpful for new
> people like me who are coming in.

It's in the release notes: http://www.openbsd.org/35.html.

Mind you, the 8GB barier has been removed seven years ago. Yes, we are
sometimes not loud enough. We tend to prefer to write code instead of
talking about it.  Sometimes there are exceptions, though. 

Reading though the release notes should give you enough hints, and
there's always the code. 


> Thanks
> > I don't think Amit is right, we are able to boot from any offset with
> > an LBA capable disk on i386 and amd64. Some bioses have limitations,
> > as is explained in the FAQ:
> > http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq14.html#LargeDrive
> >
> > It is amazing how old limitations tend to stick into the collective
> > memory, despite all the work done to overcome the limitations.
> >
> >        -Otto

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