> What I thought was an MTU problem, now looks possibly to be an ospf issue.
> I have 4.5 on one side and 4.7 on the other.

cvs diff -u -rOPENBSD_4_5 | wc -l
cvs diff: Diffing .

Basically, 5,500 lines of diffs in two years, against a 15,000 line daemon.

You are running code that is too old.  Sorry, but let us be realistic

You made a decision to keep running code that old, and thus you are on
your own.  You won't spend time figuring out which one of our changes
over 2 years might fix the problem you are having, and we won't

Unless we see evidence that the problem still persists, what are we to do?

The right thing to do with almost all open source software is to
assume that it is fixed in newer code, then you try the newer code,
and if the problem remains then you can tell us.

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