On Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 04:21:32PM -0700, Sha'ul wrote:
> >Dude,
> >
> >You need to give more info. How about the dmesg from the bsd.rd?
> >
> >Luis.
> At the boot> prompt I put bsd.rd and it probes and gives me the
> install options (I)nstall (U)pgrade (S)hell, I went to shell and
> dmesg worked, but how can I supply a copy of it here without net
> connection and without OS login capabilities?

You have logged on as root. How much more power do you need? :-).


Or, configure the network and ftp the file. Mount a USB key and
copy it.

A reasonable transcript of the messages displayed would be nice.

.... Ken

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