OK, here's a little update on this problem.

As I told you earlier in the thread, we did some successful tests with
the 4-port Intel 82576 card, HOWEVER we only tested two ports, em0 och
em1. When the card later was put into the production machine we chose
to use em0 as the unprocteded if and em2 as the protected.

When we connected the machine to the router, we only got a throughput
at about 100 Mbit/s 100% CPU, busy handling interrupts, while the cards
only generate about 3000 intr/s each. 

As it turns out, the problem is the same as with the dual port cards,
but now it only applies to em2 and em3. If we any of those ports, the
machine get bogged down completely and the livelock rate is about 10 per

If we only use em0 and em1, it performs really good. With real traffic,
we've had some peaks at about 750 Mbit/s at 80% CPU and when testing
with iperf we get 936 Mbit/s at 90%i CPU (8200 intr/s).

This leads me to believe that there are some IRQ conflicts that may or
may not be caused by the driver.

This is the vmstat -iz output of the production machine:

interrupt                       total     rate
irq0/clock                     743258       99
irq144/acpi0                        0        0
irq114/ppb2                         0        0
irq112/em0                   52133849     7004
irq113/em1                   52036815     6991
irq114/em2                          0        0
irq115/em3                          0        0
irq115/ppb6                         0        0
irq112/em4                      41319        5
irq113/em5                          0        0
irq114/ppb10                        0        0
irq96/uhci0                         0        0
irq97/uhci1                         0        0
irq96/uhci2                         0        0
irq97/uhci3                         0        0
irq96/ehci0                         0        0
irq98/pciide0                    8162        1
irq99/pciide1                       0        0
irq99/ichiic0                       0        0
irq145/com0                         0        0
irq146/com1                         0        0
irq147/pckbc0                     645        0
irq148/pckbc0                       0        0
Total                       104964048    14102



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