On Tue, 05 Apr 2011 16:28:31 -0700
Mehma Sarja wrote:

> On 4/5/11 9:07 AM, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> > On 2011-04-04, Stuart VanZee<stua...@datalinesys.com>  wrote:
> >> Don't be silly.  While Lions do provide excelent physical security
> >> they don't provide any data security at all.
> > I love animals: I'm always talking about animals, I love 'em. But
> > the thing is that, you know, whenever you see animals on the telly,
> > it's always the show-off animals. Yeah? It's always the leopards
> > and panthers and crocodiles. Lions milling about, going "Oh, I'm
> > very good, I'm on everything", and it really makes me annoyed, you
> > know? Because what about the English animals, you know? The British
> > mammals, yeah? Hah, what about the muskrat, or the tiny northern
> > root-vole, with his little banjo and hat made of elastic bands,
> > yeah? Who's representing them, eh? No-one, that's who.
> >
> You had a good buildup and even some suspense. Oh what a letdown! What 
> British animals? You've got to be kidding. Isn't everybody over there 
> all civilized an stuff? Take your little poodle and pony show and move 
> it along down the road.
> Mehma

Well if you didn't get the sarcasm, then there's meant to be a big
black cat around. Otherwise you'd have to go back thousands of years to
get Lions.

Aside from wiping out the bears I don't see what civilisaton has to do
with it.

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