On 4/6/2011 8:57 PM, Amit Kulkarni wrote:
> Is this in the FAQ? Never thought I would read such a question.
> On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 7:06 PM, Nick Holland
> <n...@holland-consulting.net> wrote:
>> On 04/06/11 18:46, Steven R. Gerber wrote:
>>> I ran the upgrade from CD.
>> from i386 to amd64?  No.  Don't do this.
>> Boot off the CD again, and this time pick "install".
>> You can save your /home directory and config files.
>> amd64 and i386, for OpenBSD, are totally different platforms.  You can't
>> "upgrade" from one platform to another safely, you have to reinstall.
>>> I want to be sure that packages are OK.
>>> Is "pkg_add -u" sufficient?  (It looks like nothing changed.)
>>> Should I try "pkg_add -u -D update" or something else?
>> nuke from orbit, only way to be sure.
>> Sure, you might be able to get away with this, but one left over library
>> or binary will really ruin your day at some point.
>> Nick.

Sorry for the stupid question?
But, this is a real scenario.
Testing for bug system/6586: rdist (file larger than 2GB) times out but
will not die.
I need(ed) one of my configured/development machines to go from i386 to
amd64.  I did not want to lose my configuration in /etc nor /home nor
/root ...
In the bigger picture, many users/admins will probably be doing similar
things as we can use more physical memory.
An appropriate FAQ entry would be terrific.

I did save my /etc, /home, /root, etc. to an array
and did a full reinstall.
Some thoughts: Having to redo partitions/mounts was a pain.
        Going through /etc manually or by sysmerge is tedious.


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