On 2011-04-08 14.30, Ludo Smissaert wrote:
> A very kind shop in the south of the Netherlands allows me currently to
> test a new Lenovo ThinkPad Edge at home for a week with OpenBSD before
> buying it. If things aren't working I am allowed to give it back.

Excellent customer service. You should do all your shopping there. :-)

> * At times the machine seems to wait a few seconds.
>   For example quitting a man page viewed with less, doing an ls -l ~
>   sometimes takes seconds. Repeating it in another time gives a
>   normal behavior.

Sounds like the HD went to sleep and takes a while to spin back up again.


internetlabbet.se     / work:   +46 8 551 124 80      / "Words must
Benny Lvfgren        /  mobile: +46 70 718 11 90     /   be weighed,
                    /   fax:    +46 8 551 124 89    /    not counted."
                   /    email:  benny -at- internetlabbet.se

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