I installed 4.9-current last night on my G5 iMac 8,1

Years ago I had 4.4 running on it, and it was a simple case of a kernel
rebuild with an extra module included to get the fans working (And governed)
such that they'd arc up when cooling was needed but be quiet when it's not.

I can't find any such mechanism now. A cursory google and some help on
freenode pointed me to fcu(4) and iic(4) and iic(9) but none of them offer
solutions, just info on the underlying subsystem.

Can someone give me a shunt towards what I need to do to get this working?

I've uploaded my dmesg to http://natalya.psych0tik.net/~richo/richo.dmesg to
avoid having to inline it. If that url causes issues let me know and I will
post it directly to the list.

Warm regards


richo || Today's excuse:

Windows 95 undocumented "feature"

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pgp-signature]

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