On 21/04/2011, at 12:07 PM, Benny Lofgren wrote:

I'm sure this has been brought up before, but is there a way to buy
"licenses" without actually getting the CD:s?

There is a fundamental underlying problem with this.
The OpenBSD code is free. That is one of the principles of the project (as far as I can guess. I'm not involved personaly, so its only my opinion). The price charged for the CD is the cost of the media + the costs of producing and marketing it + overheads of the company which produces it. The contents are free.

If you subtract the media, then what is there left to sell?

Just order as many as you want and bin the excess. What really is being wasted?, A wee bit of plastic, traces of other materials and a small amount of energy used to produce it. A company that runs a big neon sign overnight is probably wasting more than that. Who knows, maybe the extra funds going to the project will result in additional energy savings that will far outweigh the 'wastage' in producing some extra cds.


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