Say you have some number of syslog messages directed to the console:

auth,authpriv,daemon,kern,user,local0.*         /dev/console

Now we want local0 messages that come from "myapp" to also be sent to anyone
who's logged into the system:

local0.*                *

For the purposes of this discussion, these two sections may be considered
the entirety of the (current) syslog.conf file in the order presented.  Is
there a way to formulate syslog.conf so that if someone is using the console,
only a single stream of messages from myapp is displayed?  FWIW, we don't
care about local0 messages from anything other than myapp.

                                         | Manager for Networking, Admin.
         Michael T. Davis (Mike)         | & Research Computing: CBE/MSE |   The Ohio State University
                                         |   197 Watts, (614) 292-6928
              ** E-mail is the best way to contact me **

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