On 2011 Apr 26 (Tue) at 23:50:23 -0400 (-0400), Kent Watsen wrote:
:My first install was onto a USB pen drive and I thought this was brilliant.
:My second install was onto a fusion-based virtual machine and I was
:like WTF?
:I suppose that the installer can't tell if a sd root disk is
:swappable or not, but certainly it should know that wd is not -
:right?  - or maybe my premise is off, aren't DUIDs only useful for
:jump drives?
:~ Kent

I've had many scsi systems where the built-in boot drive was attached
after any PCI cards, so if I added a drive array, then my boot drives
would be moved to a different sdX location.  DUIDs allows me to not worry
about this at all.

(this is also super usable in the case where my laptop decides to reset
the bios to factory defaults, disabling ahci.  normally, this is an
sd -> wd change.  it is debatable whether or not handling this "failure
mode" is acceptable ;) )

Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
                -- Henry Spencer

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