On Sat, 30 Apr 2011 11:24:30 -0400
Nick Holland <n...@holland-consulting.net> wrote:

> um...
> bsd.rd assumes console.

which i don't have and am looking for a workaround. maybe bsd.rd should
assume: accepts commands from a file/stdin to be automated? or even
better: similar to yaifo allow ssh connections to finish the
upgrade/install? i know the mantra: patches are welcome ;)

> If you want to do a remote upgrade, how about using the (shudder)
> *suggested* process in the upgradeXX.html docs? 

i've been doing that for awhile. i'm not convinced of this method:
replacing the kernel and base packages, while the system is running,
sounds dangerous. 

YMMV. sofar it went ok with the upgradeXX.html process. i'll try it
with yaifo sometime.


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