Yes, You have the reason,
I put DMZ because of this :)

2011/5/9 Stuart Henderson <>

> On 2011/05/09 16:31, R0me0 *** wrote:
> > You can too try this:
> >
> > pass in on $int proto tcp from $int:network to port www route-to ( $dmz
> > $ip_of_squid )
> > pass out on $dmz proto tcp to $ip_of_squid to port  www
> This won't work for machines on the same subnet as the proxy.
> In that case the return traffic (proxy->client) will bypass the
> firewall so PF only sees half of the packets so state tracking
> will break things. (It might initially appear to work but
> try a larger download and watch for the connection breaking).

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