On Tue, 10 May 2011 12:04:50 +0200
LEVAI Daniel wrote:

> Hi!
> I'm trying out youtube with html5 videos, and I have few question to the
> fellow video watchers.
> In mozilla-firefox I can't even enable html5 in youtube :/

If it's mozilla-firefox 3.6 then you can play html5 video but only in
ogg format. Youtube is using webM now which was introduced in firefox 4.

Video in browsers does seem rather resource hungry. Something to do
with working out where to render what, I suspect but could be way off
the mark. Iplayer is terrible on a decent system I use for mythtv
running flash and linux, though improvements in a more recent nvidia
driver than the one from the repos makes up for some of it's
inefficiency, itvplayer isn't so bad though.

The good news, webm is in it's infancy and should get better and better
unlike flash.

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