You might try playing with some of OpenBSD's virtual routing capabilities.  You 
could create a couple of VLANs and test out some of the BGP/MPLS VPN 
capabilities within the VLANs.

Sent: Sun, May 15, 2011 9:48:36 AM
Subject: Things to do with a Pentium 166MHz cpu - 32 MB of RAM - 1.5 GB disk


I ressurected an old pc yesterday (specs on title) with OpenBSD 4.9
and without X to keep it light. It
runs ridiculously well! Everything works fine except the automatic
powerdown (shutdown -hp now), which
is not supported aparently by the mobo, anyway, don't care about that.

I currently have sshd, pf, sshguard and sendmail running, all in 4-5
MB of 18-21 available RAM (the rest is taken
by the hardware I suppose) and 1-2 MB of 42 MB swap.

I could turn it into a firewall, but I allready have one, and I am not
very excited about the idea.
What I do find exciting is teaching my nephew some computer/programming basics.
Anyone find it a good idea?

I have allready installed python and gprolog, which I like for basic
aritmhetics stuff.

What dissapoints me the most, is that there don't exist USB ports and
they might not even be supported, the pc
is from 1998.
I could use rtorrent with screen to download stuff to an external hard drive..
But I will check on that when I find the time to open the case.

What else could I use it for?

Thank you!

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