2011/5/17 James Records <james.reco...@gmail.com>:
> Not sure about this but try doing it this way:
> route -T 1 exec netstat -an -f inet

Peeking at the netstat code the -a uses kread(), which signs people
are afraid of it and those parts are to be rewritten using some
standardized sysctl() interface, and then rdomain compatible. And
netstat -T1 and route -T1 exec netstat should be equivalent, IMO.
This needs to be confirmed by some developer though. Otherwise it's
just a piece of gossip.

>> as long as em0 on system2 is in rdomain 0 (zero)
>> everything seems fine and using tcpdump i can see bi-directional traffic on
>> UDP/500
>> as soon as i put em0 on system2
>> into rdomain 1 using 'ifconfig em0 rdomain 1' my headache
>> starts...
>> i can check routing for domain 1
>> using 'netstat -rn -T1'
>> i can ping using 'ping -V1'
>> *but*
>> i do no longer see em0 in
>> 'netstat -an -f inet' so i am not able to see if the listener for UDP/500
>> started on the em0 interface (only interfaces
>> in rdomain 0 (zero) are displayed)
>> bi-directional traffic for port UDP/500 stops

Is the isakmpd process still running? Did you really run it like
'route -T1 exec isakmpd'? Because with httpd it seems to work fine for
me (different setup, but works). netstat -a displays all of them all
the time.

>> maybe i should try GRE with IPSEC on top of
>> that...(?)

Not sure it'd help.

Martin Pelikan

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