On Sun, 15 May 2011, Nick Holland wrote:

What dissapoints me the most, is that there don't exist USB ports and
they might not even be supported, the pc
is from 1998.
I could use rtorrent with screen to download stuff to an external hard drive..
But I will check on that when I find the time to open the case.

Regarding USB ports --
if you find an old USB 1.0 card laying around, I bet it would work fine.
USB2.0 cards...you might find the card expects a newer version of the
PCI bus than your machine has...but you may get lucky or I may be
completely wrong. :)

You are right. Some PCI USB 2.0 controller cards work pretty well in my 486 and Pentium machines. Other do not. If it works, the transfer speed are lower than in newer systems because of slower CPU.


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