I pre-orderd cd set and t-shirt (before the art was available). : )

Happy B-day OpenBSD.


John 3:16

On 10/18/05, STeve Andre' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tuesday 18 October 2005 21:07, Paul Greene wrote:
> > STeve Andre' wrote:
> > >   Seeing all sorts of good wishes to the project, but I haven't
> > >seen any gifts, yet. ;-)
> > >
> > >   I just paypaled $25 to the project, as a birthday present.  Given
> > >what we all get from this OS, OpenBSD deserves something.
> > >
> > >   Can I get 10 others to make some kind of donation?  It doesn't
> > >have to be a lot...
> > >
> > >--STeve Andre'
> >
> > Well, I finally got out the credit card and actually paid for some CD's.
> >
> > Does that count?
> >
> > Paul
> Sure it does.  It helps the project.  Thank you.
> So, four people donating money and one buying a CD set.
> ...Do I hear more?
> --STeve Andre'

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