On 2011-06-15 22:40, Jonathan Gray wrote:
> Yes this seems low indeed.  You could try use rdomains and route exec
> with a cable between the two ports to make packets go over the interfaces
> if you don't have another host with 10G interfaces.

I didn't get that far. When connecting the two ports to each other (tried
with a couple of TP cables) I only get 1000baseT full-duplex on ix0 and

> If you've had ppb problems with em I'd imagine they would affect ix as well
> if it is sitting behind the same ppb.

I disabled the ppb hotplug interrupt in ppb.c as Claudio mentioned in
"Performance degradation after upgrade" and ran the same tests again.

This time it got up to 932 Mbit/s (close to theoretical maximum), but 
the CPU usage was 100% intrs. However, the interfaces only generated
around 2000 intrs/s each (compared to 13000 in my last test).

I will not have more time to do additional testing in a while as i'm off
for vacation, but I hope my tests so far can give you some insight.

Thanks, Peter

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