Hi all,

I've to establish a highly redundant firewall cluster with openbsd, but I got
stuck with the config.
The config:

-        2 CORE0 routers ( Cisco 7xxx )

-        2 FW running OpenBSD 4.9

-        2 internal Cisco 3750g switches ( SW01&SW02 )

Please find attached the draft of the network infrastructure ( or just view it
here: http://img69.imageshack.us/img69/9414/monofwdraft.png )

In the external side of the FWs, I've 5 VLANS: 90-95 for separate data flows (
1 for public internet ).
In the internal side we've 4 VLANS: 40-44

The internal Ciscos are configured with RSTP and are connected to each other
directly with one VTP domain, SW01 being the master. The FW's ports are all
trunk ports with allowed VLANs 40-44.

What I can't establish: how to build the bridges with VLANs on top of them?

I've tried several ways, none of them worked well. Some scenarios it worked
partly: when I set hme2 to vlan40's vlandev, I could see the machines in VLAN
40, but when I disconnected hme2  - the traffic should switch to hme2 then -
the connection broke.

My latest try was this config ( just for vlan40 now ):

ifconfig hme2 up
ifconfig hme3 up
ifconfig vether0 create
ifconfig vlan40 create
ifconfig vlan40 vlandev vether0
ifconfig vlan40 inet
ifconfig vlan40 up
ifconfig vether0 up
ifconfig bridge1 create
ifconfig bridge1 add hme2
ifconfig bridge1 add hme3
ifconfig bridge1 add vether0
ifconfig bridge1 stp hme2
ifconfig bridge1 stp hme3
ifconfig bridge1 stp vether0
ifconfig bridge1 spanpriority 61400  # avoid being the root bridge
ifconfig bridge1 up

When I try to ping ( linux host in vlan 40 ) I see the packets
in vlan40 ( tcpdump -ni vlan40 ), but the packet doesn't get to vether0 :( ( I
see just the BPDU packets of the RSTP on vether0 ).

Any suggestions? How should I bulid the bridge with full VLAN redundancy and



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