Le Wed, 22 Jun 2011 09:23:01 +0200,
Patrick Lamaiziere <patf...@davenulle.org> a C)crit :

> Hello,
> I've updated my two pf firewalls today from 4.8 to 4.9 (worked fine,
> nice). But it looks there is a problem with net-snmp and the
> traffic reported (IF-MIB). This is not correct anymore (like 30
> Mbits/s instead more than 150 Mbits/s). I've checked the interfaces
> indexes in the snmp tables and they did not change. Other values (like
> packet per second) look good.
> I've tried the previous version of net-snmp (net-snmp- and
> there is the same problem.
> Any clue?


Looks like someone has changed the configuration of Cacti.
My apologies. Regards.

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