Hello list,

I'm a little confused by the .PATH.o target in makefiles. For
the record I'm running on a snapshot from the 29th of June

I have the following file structure:


I have the following makefile:

.SUFFIXES: .o .c .h

.PATH.h: include
.PATH.o: objects


happiness:      cheese.o \
        gcc $(CFLAGS) -o happiness \
                $(OBJ_DIR)/cheese.o \

port.o:         port.c  port.h
        gcc -c $(CFLAGS) -o $(OBJ_DIR)/port.o port.c

cheese.o:       cheese.c port.h
        gcc -c $(CFLAGS) -o $(OBJ_DIR)/cheese.o cheese.c


If I run make, I get the following output:

gcc -c -Iinclude -o objects/cheese.o cheese.c
gcc -c -Iinclude -o objects/port.o port.c
gcc -Iinclude -o happiness  objects/cheese.o  objects/port.o

which is fine, dandy and what I expect. If I run make again
however, I get the same result. running "make -d m" indicates
that it isn't finding port.o or cheese.o in the objects
directory, it is only looking in the current directory.

Prefixing port.o/cheese.o with $(OBJ_DIR) results in their
targets not being found. Adding $(OBJ_DIR) as a prefix to all
.o files seem a little verbose.

I thought that specifying .PATH.o in the manner above would
mean that make would interpret port.o as $(.PATH.o)/port.o
whether it be a dependency or a target. I have read the man
page (hence I know that .PATH.o exists) but I can't see why
what I have shouldn't work.

It seems obvious to me that I'm missing something, but I can't
see what it is. Could somebody explain it to me, or suggest
how I could patch the above makefile to make use of .PATH.o?


It appears to be able to find port.h (removing .PATH.h causes
a "non-existant" error).

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