On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 10:00:48AM +0200, Marcus M|lb|sch wrote:
> Hello all,
>    Since I added another physical and carp interface to our firewalls, I 
> get strange error messages, and strange behaviour for carp failover.
>> Jul 25 15:00:03 fw2 /bsd: carp32: ip_output failed: 64
>> Jul 25 15:00:03 fw2 /bsd: carp34: ip_output failed: 64
>> Jul 25 15:00:03 fw2 /bsd: carp40: ip_output failed: 64
>> Jul 25 15:00:03 fw2 /bsd: carp5: ip_output failed: 64
>> Jul 25 15:00:03 fw2 /bsd: carp11: ip_output failed: 64
>> Jul 25 15:00:03 fw2 /bsd: carp31: ip_output failed: 64
>> Jul 25 15:00:04 fw2 /bsd: carp: carp31 demoted group carp by 1 to 2\
>> (> snderrors)
>    I'm pretty sure that I had no of that "64" errors before I added  
> "carp 40" - the old logfiles show none (though I have only those from a  
> few days).
>    I googled for the error but didn't find anything helpful.

man errno:

     64 EHOSTDOWN Host is down.  A socket operation failed because the desti-
             nation host was down.

>    Any quick pointers what may be going wrong?

My first guess would've been that pf(4) is blocking the outgoing carp
advertisements. But a quick glance at the code indicates that only
returns 65 (EHOSTUNREACH).

It could be a reject route blocking your advertisements.
Can you show us the output of netstat -rn ?

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