On 2011-08-16, Quentin Aebischer <quentin.aebisc...@usherbrooke.ca> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I'm currently a master degree student, and I'd like to benchmark  
> packet filter over the number of tcp sessions per seconds it can handle.
> So I've got a very basic setup working, consisting of one server  
> running OpenBSD 4.9 with PF (acting as firewall-router), and 2 PC's  
> running Linux, acting respectively as client and webserver (running  
> apache2 for the last).
> Basically, the client spams standard HTTP requests to the server via  
> the firewall using a basic HTTP injector tool and evaluates the number  
> of sucessful processed requests per seconds.
> As one can expect, there is an inverse relationship between the number  
> of sessions/s a firewall can sustain and the size of the object of the  
> request. To achieve maximum throughput, you've got to request big size  
> objects (i.e 50KB or more), whereas to achieve maximum sessions rate  
> per second, you've got to make requests with 0 size objects.
> Prior to this, I've run some tests with a Linux firewall running  
> iptables, and I've come up with an average rate of 11300 sessions/s  
> for 0 size objects (straight up results, no tweaks or improvements  
> made).
> Moving on to the OpenBSD tests, I only achieved an average rate of  
> 7000 sessions/s for 0 size object (starting up at 8000, slowly  
> decreasing to 7000 - 6500 ...), which is way above the linux/iptables  
> average rate . I then tried to make some tweaks in /etc/sysctl.conf,  
> but no improvement so far. The ruleset I use is the following (copied  
> from the OpenBSD pf tutorial) :
> set block-policy drop
> pass out quick
> pass in on $WAN inet proto tcp port 80 rdr-to $HTTP_SERVER_IP
> pass in inet proto icmp all
> pass in on $LAN.
> So I come here now to know whether you guys have any idea what sort of  
> tweaks I could try to significantly enhance the number of tcp sessions  
> per seconds processed by PF. I'm kind of a PF newbie, so I'm clueless  
> for the moment . Any hints, thoughts or ideas is appreciated !

Make sure your state limits are high enough (set limits states XX;
default is 10000).

Also check sysctl net.inet.ip.ifq; if there are drops then you may
want to gradually increase net.inet.ip.ifq.maxlen

Note that the ruleset you have shown does not block anything
(default if there is *no* matching rule at all is to statelessly
pass a packet).

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