Ok i created a new scsi hd (30gb) and put it as second disk on vm.
Booted OpenBSD and on boot prompt i gave boot sd0a:/bsd.rd
Then i choose (I) for installation and selected the 2nd disk (sd1).Using
disklabel it automatically created all partitions and i just resized f:
(/usr) partition and gave it extra space by shrinking k: partition (/home)
saved the settings but i did not proceed to the installation,i just reboot
the vm.
I booted normally on sd0 and ran disklabel -h sd0 and then disklabel -h sd1
and i confirmed that partitions are exactly the same on both disks with the
exception of f: (/usr) which now is bigger.So far so good...now i reboot
again boot sd0a/bsd.rd and i select (S) shell option.At this point i am a
bit confused how i will mount the 2 disks and copy all the contents from sd0
to sd1 by using cp command? thank you again

On Sat, Aug 20, 2011 at 11:21 AM, Dmitrij Czarkoff <czark...@gmail.com>wrote:

> The easier way - create a new disc image and use bsd.rd to partition and
> label it as needed. When done with it, mount all of Your volumes and use tar
> or cp to populate the new image. A side effect of this approach is that You
> can test the new image before loosing the old one.

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