On 2011-09-01, at 9:50 AM, Daniel Villarreal wrote:

> So I was installing OpenBSD on my nice (for me) dual-core desktop and saw
> some things that need to be corrected...
> There's a misspelling here and I've noticed other errors. Is it okay to
> submit these and the proposed corrections here, or should I follow another
> course of action?
> +polkit-0.97p3
> polkitd(8) runs setuid(2) root in order to allow applications to request
> additional fine-grained privileges (e.g. adjust the clock, change
> timezone...). Access to these privileges is controlled by policy files and
> user passwords.
> If you'd like to completely disable priviledges granting through the
> PolicyKit framework, create the file:
>                                                      ^^^^^^
> /etc/polkit-1/nullbackend.conf.d/99-nullbackend.conf
> containing the following lines:
> [Configuration]
> Priority=99
> regards,
> Daniel Villarreal


I think you are looking at an older version. On my system (-current) I don't
see the spelling mistake you mention. Probably the maintainer has already
fixed everything up. It says

Disabling polkit
If you'd like to completely disable privilege granting through the
PolicyKit framework, create the file:
containing the following lines:


Vijay Sankar

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