
I already write that I wanted to do dynamic shaping.

Here my test rule output from pftop, system is 4.9 :

0 Pass In Q lo0 K 0 0 0 inet6 from any to ::1/128 flags S/SA 1 Pass In Q lo0 K 0 0 0 inet6 from any to fe80::1/128 flags S/SA 2 Pass Out Q lo0 K 0 0 0 inet6 from any to ::1/128 flags S/SA 3 Pass Out Q lo0 K 0 0 0 inet6 from any to fe80::1/128 flags S/SA 4 Pass In Q lo0 K 0 0 0 inet from any to flags S/SA 5 Pass Out Q lo0 K 0 0 0 inet from any to flags S/SA 6 Pass Out Q K 0 0 0 from <admin> to any flags S/SA 7 Pass Out Q K 0 0 0 inet from to any flags S/SA 8 Pass In Q K 3 234 3 from <admin> to any flags S/SA 9 Pass In Q K 93 11132 49 inet from to any flags S/SA 10 Pass In Q ext_if udp K 0 0 0 inet from port = 698 to any 11 Pass In K 3114 287664 35 all flags S/SA 12 Pass Out K 2790 234360 9 all flags S/SA 13 Pass Out em0 K 135 39103 21 from <second> to any flags S/SA queue second

Now, will downloading, if I add a address to <second>
with pfctl, it won't shape it until I stop de download and
restart it. After adding the address to the table, I clear
state for this address

pfctl -t second -T add
pfctl -k
Even try
pfctl -F all -f /etc/pf.conf
without result, it will stay on default

Once I stop and restart my download, it will pass
trough second but that not what I need, I wanted to
shape automaticly those who take too much

When restarted my download and I pass trough second,
if I delete the address from the tab and clear the state
again, it will change to the default queue.

pfctl -t second -T del
pfctl -k

But if I try to shape again by adding it to
second tab, I must restart my download again.

Is it normal or a behaviure ?

Le 2011-09-07 17:25, Michel Blais a icrit :
Hi all,

thanks for your help and tips.

I have do some testing when I add some free time.

I finally got it working by creating the queue on my internal
if (now em1 instead of re1)

altq on $int_if hfsc bandwidth 97Mb qlimit 500 queue { main, second }
queue main on $int_if bandwidth 1Mb qlimit 250 priority 4 hfsc(upperlimit 97Mb default) queue second on $int_if bandwidth 1Mb qlimit 250 priority 0 hfsc(upperlimit 1Mb)

and using the following rules

pass out on $ext_if from $my_ip queue depri

2 things I don't understand :

1 - pass out on external if = traffic going out on WAN
this should be upload then
download should be pass in on external if or
out on internal if, right ?
Why must I use a rule on upload to shape download ?

Also, on the bob exemple of queue faq :

Queue is on external if (just like me) but rules

pass  out on dc0 to $bob queue bob_in

is also out on internal if.

Why must I do my out rules on external if ?
Is the FAQ wrong ?

2 - I can't use match to transfert traffic in a queue ?

If I use
match out on $ext_if from $my_ip queue depri
instead of
pass out on $ext_if from $my_ip queue depri
then it doesn't work anymore

From what I understand from match rule, it should always
be apply like a quick rule without altering pass or block rule.
Am I wrong ? That would be perfect for my queue rules
because queue will change dynamically. I know I could do
my shaping rules without match but I will have more
exception to take care of.

Also, I can see on a mail from william.dun...@gmail.com
subject : Re: match queue ignored

After further experimentation, I found out the following:

"match queue" overrides:
 - a previous "match queue" assignment
 - the default queue

Was it add on 5.0 ?

I'm using 4.9
My rule set that work fine from pftop output
after a speed test :

RULE ACTION DIR LOG Q IF PR K PKTS BYTES STATES MAX INFO 0 Pass In Q lo0 K 0 0 0 inet6 from any to ::1/128 flags S/SA 1 Pass In Q lo0 K 0 0 0 inet6 from any to fe80::1/128 flags S/SA 2 Pass Out Q lo0 K 0 0 0 inet6 from any to ::1/128 flags S/SA 3 Pass Out Q lo0 K 0 0 0 inet6 from any to fe80::1/128 flags S/SA 4 Pass In Q lo0 K 0 0 0 inet from any to flags S/SA 5 Pass Out Q lo0 K 0 0 0 inet from any to flags S/SA 6 Pass Out Q K 0 0 0 from <admin> to any flags S/SA 7 Pass Out Q K 0 0 0 inet from to any flags S/SA 8 Pass In Q K 3 571 2 from <admin> to any flags S/SA 9 Pass In Q K 6 354 6 inet from to any flags S/SA 10 Pass In ext_if K 0 0 0 all flags S/SA 11 Pass Out ext_if K 0 0 0 all flags S/SA 12 Pass In int_if K 0 0 0 all flags S/SA 13 Pass Out int_if K 0 0 0 all flags S/SA 14 Pass Out em0 K 7070 6572775 24 inet from to any flags S/SA queue depri

PFtop -v rules output after a other speed test
RULE ACTION DIR LOG Q IF PR K PKTS BYTES STATES MAX INFO 0 Pass In Q lo0 K 0 0 0 inet6 from any to ::1/128 flags S/SA 1 Pass In Q lo0 K 0 0 0 inet6 from any to fe80::1/128 flags S/SA 2 Pass Out Q lo0 K 0 0 0 inet6 from any to ::1/128 flags S/SA 3 Pass Out Q lo0 K 0 0 0 inet6 from any to fe80::1/128 flags S/SA 4 Pass In Q lo0 K 0 0 0 inet from any to flags S/SA 5 Pass Out Q lo0 K 0 0 0 inet from any to flags S/SA 6 Pass Out Q K 20 1120 0 from <admin> to any flags S/SA 7 Pass Out Q K 0 0 0 inet from to any flags S/SA 8 Pass In Q K 1 78 1 from <admin> to any flags S/SA 9 Pass In Q K 4 384 3 inet from to any flags S/SA 10 Pass In ext_if K 0 0 0 all flags S/SA 11 Pass Out ext_if K 0 0 0 all flags S/SA 12 Pass In int_if K 0 0 0 all flags S/SA 13 Pass Out int_if K 0 0 0 all flags S/SA 14 Match Out em0 0 0 0 inet from to any queue depri



Michel Blais
Administrateur riseau / Network administrator
Targo Communications

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