On 8 September 2011 21:40, Hasse Hansson <o...@thorshammare.org> wrote:
> Ohhhh... So sorry... I forgot
> "I will not use FreeBSD documentation for OpenBSD."
> "I will not use FreeBSD documentation for OpenBSD."
> "I will not use FreeBSD documentation for OpenBSD."
> :-)  Hasse

Heh. :)

Thanks for your gracious response.

And by the way, this, in summary, is yet another reason why you don't
want to add too many knobs to your de facto/semi-standard ulittleties ;-P
-- particularly not without looking left and right at what your other unix
brethren are doing:

<http://linux.die.net/man/8/dump> and
>      -L label
>              The user-supplied text string label is placed into the dump
>              header, where tools like restore(8) and file(1) can access it.
>              Note that this label is limited to be at most LBLSIZE
>              16) characters, which must include the terminating `\0'.

>      -L      This option is to notify dump that it is dumping a live file
>            tem.  To obtain a consistent dump image, dump takes a snapshot of
>            the file system in the .snap directory in the root of the file
>            system being dumped and then does a dump of the snapshot.  The
>            snapshot is unlinked as soon as the dump starts, and is thus
>            removed when the dump is complete.  This option is ignored for
>            unmounted or read-only file systems.  If the .snap directory does
>            not exist in the root of the file system being dumped, a warning
>            will be issued and the dump will revert to the standard behavior.
>            This problem can be corrected by creating a .snap directory in
>            the root of the file system to be dumped; its owner should be
>            ``root'', its group should be ``operator'', and its mode should
>            be ``0770''.

>      *crickets*

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