Please guys, can we stop this fight over who does what and how to be accessible from where.

In the interest of bringing peace back on misc@ I will extend the offer to host this on high capacity network if the community really want it.

More then once the community always say, yes this is great, we need that, why don't we have this, and someone should do it!

So far, each time this happened, it was more wind talks then anything else and never was pursue for real! With few exceptions to be fully honest to some really brave sole that actually step in here and contribute something! But in every case, the wind blow and then the leafs fall on the ground to leave empty trees that never see the spring again!

If you really want it and if that is useful to some, I will offer to make it available to EVERYONE!

But, please understand this! STOP bugging the project with these things, they do what they do best and they don't need this to improve our beloved OS! So trying to make that part of the official project is really waisting everyone times.

And finally, no hardware company, or very few if you search the archive ever contribute back to the project, so if you think this might become a source of income for the project it's really an utopia! You want the project to get more income, well as far as I know, it's there:

Just give, to think you can setup something that will turn into a source of income and that the project will take under it's wing is having it's eyes close and not knowing that no one will step to actually do it and make it work and the dev's HAVE other things to do, nor do they are interested to do this! Don't forget, they do this OS for themselves and offer us the benefit to use it! They don't need a site providing supported hardware for them to see what they should use or have!

For crying at loud! If they like some hardware and it's not working for them! How long do you think it will take them to make it work on it if really they want it, hmmm!!!

Do you think they will even care about what's supported or not!!!

Think about it for a few seconds and you will have your answer!

Looked at the "Sharp Zaurus C3000 PDAs" It was a new CPU and OpenBSD wasn't design for it at all, but hey, they like that little box, so how long did it really take them!? If they want it, they don't need any of us to tell them what hardware it might work on! If they want it really badly, they will simply make it work for themselves!!!

So, I am done. I really didn't want to fall into answering this tread, but here I did, shame on me for doing it! I will not answer more on this list either for this tread.

If some of you want this moved, or hosted else where, or provide me the data to make it public, I will be more then happy to do so, but do it off list and lets stop this fight here please!

Can we do that?

I waisted way to much of everyone times already! Sorry for doing so!

Now NO ONE have any reason to continue complaining about this anymore. You want this else where fully accessible, I make the offer to do it in the interest of peace!

So, either put up of shut up!!! What will it be?

Your move next! And lets take it off list please!

Best regards,


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