On Sat, Sep 17, 2011 at 8:12 PM, f5b <f5b...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 1\
> so the machine can shutdown using the power button (press the power
> button once).
> should  sysctl.conf  set default to  "hw.allowpowerdown=1 " sync to

The commented out lines are intentionally *not* the defaults.  The
idea is that you can just uncomment a line to get the effect that is
described in the second half of the line.

> 2\
> # sysctl hw.allowpowerdown=0
> sysctl: hw.allowpowerdown: Operation not permitted   #   this function
> can only be set when booting?

Well, let's check the docs!

man 3 sysctl
             Some machines generate an interrupt when the power button is
             pressed and a driver can catch that interrupt.  When this
             variable is set, such an event will cause the system to perform
             regular shutdown and power off the machine.  When running with a
             securelevel(7) greater than 0, this variable may not be changed.

Philip Guenther

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