
I've put the install cd back in and dropped out to the shell then executed
the commands.

#cd /dev
#sh /dev/MAKEDEV sd1
#dd if=/dev/sd0a of=/dev/sd1a

Then dd reported no errors.



On 7 October 2011 10:08, Remco <re...@d-compu.dyndns.org> wrote:

> Ben Short wrote:
> > When I get to the step where I need to copy whats on the first drive to
> > the second but I get the following error
> >
> > # dd if=/dev/sd0a of=/dev/sd1a
> > dd: /dev/sd0a: Device busy
> >
> I suppose /dev/sd0a is mounted. I think you need to do the copying by dd
> when sd0a isn't mounted. You could boot from the ramdisk kernel (bsd.rd)
> and work from its shell.
> Another viable option might be dump/restore. (a.o., read dump(8),
> restore(8), FAQ 10.2 and 14.10)

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