On Sun, Oct 09, 2011 at 09:10:16PM +0000, Alexey E. Suslikov wrote:
> Loganaden Velvindron <loganaden <at> gmail.com> writes:
> > 
> > If we don't shake things up, things will not change ! Running -current and
> > testing diffs _helps_ OpenBSD development significantly.
> The problem, IMO, how process is organized.
> Mailing lists are not designed for commenting and reviewing
> diffs. Patches simply gets forgotten and than reinvented. We
> have *number* of "oh, I forgot to ok". Isn't it because of
> people receive *tons* of mail nowadays?

Nah, mailing-lists work just fine. It's just a question of being

In most cases, it's like a football game. Spectator sport, pass the
chips, and oh ? actually save that diff somewhere, try it out and
report back to the list/the corresponding developer ? no way, too
much work !

So, get off your lazy asses, and start trying out stuff (not speaking
for you, Alexey, just speaking for our user community in general)

For crying out loud, it's not as if interesting *technical* threads kill
those mailing-lists. When there's too much tech chatter going on, then
we can worry about better tools.

Don't blame the tools. Blame the *people* who don't test.

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