hmm, on Tue, Oct 25, 2005 at 01:29:42PM +0200, frantisek holop said that

ok, i have sent them some nice feedback.
if some other people want to voice their dismay,
you can do it here:
keep the flames in your fireplace at home,
probably just a massive typo...

interesting enough, the older release notes (based on 3.7, 3.9, etc)
do not contain this bit.

on another note, (this is more for advocacy), but seing manuals
like this (including ibm's, the whole list on i kind of start to understand
(not agree still) the license changes a lot of projects decided to do.

in all these manuals you get a tiny sentence that based on openssh
bla bla (not even a link to! not even a thank you) and
from then on a renamed product (HP-UX Secure Shell) and then the
whole document is singing odes about these tons of features
"HP-UX Secure Shell" supports....

without contributing anything back.  corporate citizenship indeed.

some cures are worse than the disease.

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