On 2011-10-21, johnw <johnw.m...@gmail.com> wrote:
> after upgrade to current, now /etc/rc use the new rc.d system.
> my question is how to start the daemon(ntpd, named etc ..) with systrace?
> before upgrade to new rc.d system, i can edit /etc/rc like this
> echo 'starting named'; named $named_flags
> to
> echo 'starting named'; systrace -Ua named $named_flags
> any idea? thank you.

it would be *possible* to do something like this and set named_systrace=YES
in rc.conf.local, but I don't know if we want to go down that route, systrace
isn't very widely used for daemons..

Index: rc.subr
RCS file: /cvs/src/etc/rc.d/rc.subr,v
retrieving revision 1.55
diff -u -p -r1.55 rc.subr
--- rc.subr     15 Oct 2011 16:05:15 -0000      1.55
+++ rc.subr     21 Oct 2011 10:13:33 -0000
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ rc_rm_runfile() {
 rc_start() {
-       ${rcexec} "${daemon} ${daemon_flags} ${_bg}"
+       ${rcexec} "${rcsystrace} ${daemon} ${daemon_flags} ${_bg}"
 rc_check() {
@@ -183,6 +183,7 @@ _RC_RUNFILE=${_RC_RUNDIR}/${_name}
 eval _rcflags=\${${_name}_flags}
 eval _rcuser=\${${_name}_user}
+eval _rcsystrace=\${${_name}_systrace}
 getcap -f /etc/login.conf ${_name} 1>/dev/null 2>&1 && \
@@ -193,8 +194,10 @@ getcap -f /etc/login.conf ${_name} 1>/de
 [ -n "${_RC_FORCE}" ] && [ X"${_rcflags}" = X"NO" ] && unset _rcflags
 [ -n "${_rcflags}" ] && daemon_flags=${_rcflags}
 [ -n "${_rcuser}"  ] && daemon_user=${_rcuser}
+[ -n "${_rcsystrace}" ] && [ X"${_rcsystrace}" = X"YES" ] || unset _rcsystrace
 daemon_flags=$(printf ' %s' ${daemon_flags})
 daemon_flags=${daemon_flags## }
 pexp="${daemon}${daemon_flags:+ ${daemon_flags}}"
 rcexec="su -l -c ${daemon_class} -s /bin/sh ${daemon_user} -c"
+[ -n "${_rcsystrace}" ] && rcsystrace="/bin/systrace -Ua"

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