sorry, but WHAT I ASK not go out in the manual Spanish version, which
incidentally is very outdated.


El 24-10-2011, a las 18:53, Scott McEachern <> escribiC3:

> On 10/24/11 17:29, Zantgo wrote:
>> What happens is that usually we talk about unified and synchronized to the
>> manual, but I have not seen anything about the packages, then my question
>> I can use packet-release snapshots?, ie have my
>> PKG_PATH =.../snapshots/packages.
>> Zantgo
> If you're asking if you can use -release packages with -current, then in a
word, no.
> If you are running -stable (which is -release + patches), you can use the
precompiled packages or build them yourself.  (Note: packages for 5.0 won't be
available until after Nov. 1st, so if you get your CD set early, you either
have to wait or compile them yourself.)  This info can be found in the FAQ.
> If you are running -current from source, update the ports tree source at the
same time and compile them yourself.  If you are running a snapshot, download
the ports tree for that day and compile them yourself.  This info can be found
in the FAQ.
> Go read the freaking FAQ -- it's there for a reason -- instead of sending
these silly emails.  Or better yet, do as others have suggested: install
OpenBSD on a spare machine and play around.  Read the FAQ again and again
before spamming the list (even) more, wasting everyone's time.  You are either
dense or just not listening.

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