On 10/26/05, James Harless <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Chad,
> I appreciate the insight.  I do realize it's a difficult problem but,
> I think that there's a solution (albeit possibly from someone smarter
> than I).

Nope there's just not.

> I do have variables that are known (the sender email address and the
> recipient email address).  The problem is tying them to the IP Address
> of the MTA when it's seen @ spamd.  It may be that there isn't a
> solution without direct modification of spamd.  If that's the case,
> then I hope the developer(s) will consider this suggestion.

How would you find an unknown ip of an unknown machine?  About the
only *chance* you have is doing MX lookup's and hoping that email
comes from that same server.  If their organization uses various
relays and proxies to send, you are out of luck.  There's no way to
get that information without a previously harvested email and looking
at the message headers.


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