
I use a bridge and assign the IP to one NIC, albeit statically assigned, 
on several "production" OpenBSD 3.5 systems. If I ever switched the IP to 
the Other NIC, I would lose connectivity until the ARP tables on the 
various LAN hosts updated with the new MAC address. Maybe about 10 minutes 
if I recall. I don't recall what the times are for ARP table refreshes 

Agreeing with what another individual said regarding this post, it's a 
transparent bridge, so that IP living on multiple NICs is a really moot 
point. I would venture to guess that the kernel gets really annoyed having 
to track an address on two different NICs with or without a bridge in 

best regards,

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 10/26/2005 12:42:43 PM:

> I wanted to set up a system which has two ether cards (it's part of
> a transparent bridge so it'll be inline with someone's connection)
> such that it'll pick up a DHCP address on *both* cards ... the trick
> comes from not knowing in advance whether the DHCP server will be
> on the inside connection or the net-facing one.  (i.e. if the
> bridge is deployed near the network edge, the DHCP server is inside;
> but if it is deployed immediately in front of a single server, then
> it will see DHCP facing outwards).
> Has anyone had this configuration before and come up with an elegant
> solution?
> thanks
> Graham

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