Hi, I have an 4.4OpenBSD server running on a VMWare ESXi server as a
virtual machine. On the server, I configured a 21GB disk for this
virtual machine, but it doesn't shows all that space, but this:

[root@openbsd44:~] # df -h
Filesystem     Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/sd0a     1008M    794M    164M    83%    /
/dev/sd0d      5.9G    5.2G    380M    93%    /var

[root@openbsd44:~] # fdisk sd0
Disk: sd0       geometry: 1174/255/63 [18874368 Sectors]
Offset: 0       Signature: 0xAA55
            Starting         Ending         LBA Info:
 #: id      C   H   S -      C   H   S [       start:        size ]
 0: 00      0   0   0 -      0   0   0 [           0:           0 ] unused      
 1: 00      0   0   0 -      0   0   0 [           0:           0 ] unused      
 2: 00      0   0   0 -      0   0   0 [           0:           0 ] unused      
*3: A6      0   1   1 -   1043 254  63 [          63:    16771797 ] OpenBSD

How can I let the operating system see the whole disk?.

Thanks in advance,
Leonardo M. Rami
Medical IT - Griensu S.A.
Av. Colsn 636 - Piso 8 Of. A
X5000EPT -- Csrdoba
Tel.: +54(351)4246924 +54(351)4247788 +54(351)4247979 int. 19
Cel.: +54(351)156629292

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