On Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 7:52 AM, Gregor Best <g...@ring0.de> wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 01:27:27PM -0500, Jonathan Thornburg wrote:
>> [...]
>> Questions:
>> * Are other Thinkpad T60 users seeing similar problems?
>> [...]
> I'm using an R61i and I sometimes see that too. On my machine, it
> usually happens under relatively high I/O load, such as when using rsync
> to copy data from another machine to a USB disk. At one point I
> suspected Firefox though (because every time the lockup happens, I have
> an instance of that running and it's either doing a page load or
> something else cache-intensive), so maybe the problem is somewhere in
> the I/O system (such as a write blocking for all eternity and the X
> server being grabbed).  The lockups never happened when I was not using
> X, though that "not using X"-phase was only for a week or so.
> My /home is also a softraid encrypted volume and /tmp is an MFS, as with
> your setup.
> This happens with the default GENERIC.mp kernel.

In OpenBSD, I/O blocks everything else, sometimes it looks like a
hang...rcently i was downloading stuff from net/gftp and gftp hung the
machine till the ftp transfer were complete. Have had it once or twice
only but always under I/O load.

but the hangs under idle condition are a bug.

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