On 11/15/11 04:45, ML mail wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a Nexcom NSA-1083 network appliance as firewall which I recently
> upgraded to OpenBSD 5.0 amd64 and am still having some delays during booting
> because of wd0 timeout. As I was running OpenBSD 4.4 I was told this somehow
> might disappear in later releases of OpenBSD but unfortunately it didn't. The
> symptom is that the boot is delayed of about 2-3 minutes while it is waiting
> on wd0. So at boot it gets stuck here:
> wd0(pciide0:0:0): timeout
> type: ata
>         c_bcount: 512
>         c_skip: 0
> pciide0:0:0: bus-master DMA
> error: missing interrupt, status=0x21
> wd0c: device timeout reading fsbn 0 (wd0
> bn 0; cn 0 tn 0 sn 0), retrying
> wd0(pciide0:0:0): timeout
>         type: ata

... [ note: no useful dmesg was snipped in this editing. :-/ ] ...

> So I was wondering now if
> there is a way to avoid this delay at booting? Would replacing the compact
> flash card with another moderner one fix it? Or maybe does my BIOS need some
> tweaking?
> Regards,
> ML

Does this work for you?
Certainly not a proper fix, but a way to avoid it...


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