Traditionally, the OpenBSD 802.11 wireless device drivers do not support power
saving mode in host AP mode.  This makes an OpenBSD-based wireless AP nearly
unusable for those wireless clients that can not disable power saving mode on
their end.  Unfortunately, with a large fraction of the clients for my AP now
being iPhones, MacBooks and similar smart appliances, this is becomes a
serious problem (Windows and Linux laptops can disable power saving mode on
the client end).,

My AP is pretty back level - it is still running OpenBSD 4.6.  Does this issue
still exist in 5.0?  If yes, is there a forecast of it getting fixed?  Are
there some wireless device drivers for which it is already fixed, or is this
universal to all 802.11 devices?

I know about the alternatives, such as using a dedicated AP, or using a
different OS for a router/firewall/AP; no need to tell me about those.

Ralph Becker-Szendy     408-395-1435
735 Sunset Ridge Road; Los Gatos, CA 95033

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