On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 5:18 AM, Mostaf Faridi <mostafafar...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I need help
> On Nov 27, 2011 8:58 AM, "Mostaf Faridi" <mostafafar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> [...]
>>> we do not know , which mode we must use in ADSL modem , PPoE or bridge ?
> >>> we do not know use PPoE or Bridge mode with ADSL modem and our ISP do
> not
> >>> give us enough information , if I want make NAT server with PF with
> mode I
> >>> must set in ADSL modem ? PPoE or bridge ?
> >>> we do not know how we must config our NAT server ,
> >>> we do not know we need ppp or no ?
> >>> we do not konw how we must config PF .
> >>> we have to use 10 static IPs and we can not use one static IP , because
> >>> of our policy .
> >>> which options , I must add to my PF.conf

you have 2 individual problems here:
1. you don't know how to connect to your new ADSL service
2. you don't know what you need in pf.conf to get the
filtering/translation/redirection behavior you desire

these 2 problems are, for the most part, unrelated to each other.

for #1, the problem is that we don't know the answers to these questions,
because they depend on exactly what your ISP set up for you and how it
works.  if your ISP won't help you, you will have to figure this out for
yourself, or hire somebody to do it.

for #2, the problem is that we don't know the answers to these questions,
because they depend on exactly what filtering, translation and/or
redirection behavior you want.  "man pf.conf" will tell you how to NAT to a
pool of addresses, but the exact entries to put in depend on the specific
IP addresses you got from your ISP.  and if there are other things you want
PF to do in addition to NAT, you will need entries for those too but first
you need to know exactly what you want to do.  and so far all we have heard
about are the things you don't know.

given the amount of technical information you have provided (nearly none)
it will not be possible for anyone on this mailing list to help you.


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