Something about gladly making fools suffer as opposed to gladly suffering
Actually they are a lot kinder and gentler than I would be.

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of John
Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2011 1:28 AM
To: misc
Subject: Narcicism?

I think I've found a bug in the OpenBSD crowd. They bug the hell out of me
and my little mistakes.

I am not talking about people who actually have a solution, but I can't
seem to ask anything on this list without parrots coming along picking on
me. I think some people just hang out here because it's the most anal bunch
of hackers ever, in recorded history. What are your experiences?

Is it true that occasionally we attract people who either love bullying or
are just lazy and pretending to be one of the clever?

It just figures some of these people sit on the list, and email you poorly
researched crap with no answers contain.

If you hate a question, it truly doesn't belong, bug me.

But if you just can't answer a question, ignore it.

John Tate.

Note: Yes, it's not my list.


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